Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. This pathology is provoked by the penetration of infection, viruses and harmful organisms, stagnant processes in the plasma of the pelvic organs, scrotum and prostate. Treatment of prostatitis with familiar, non-traditional methods at home is as effective as traditional medicine. Many patients treat prostatitis at home.
How to determine the presence of a disease

The disease is determined by a specialist, but the pathology is recognized by certain symptoms. The presence of signs is the first signal to contact a medical institution. To treat prostatitis at home, you need to recognize the first disturbing symptoms.
Of course, the acute form is more difficult to treat, since the disease takes a slowly developing chronic form with often increasing symptoms.
Prostatitis of the prostate gland, symptoms:
- discomfort in the genitals and groin;
- increased urination;
- sexual disorder;
- in aggravated condition, increased pain.
Sometimes exacerbations with more severe symptoms are possible:

- pain in the lower peritoneum;
- painful urination;
- weak erection;
- deterioration of general health;
- high temperature.
After the diagnosis, the attending physician prescribes the treatment of prostatitis. Under normal conditions, home remedies can be used effectively and quickly. To do this, you can consult a competent specialist who will recommend effective methods on how to quickly treat prostatitis at home.
The infectious nature of the disease requires exposure to antibiotics (in case of stagnation). The main effort is aimed at eliminating the cause of the infection.
Therapeutic therapy for prostatitis at home
Pumpkin seeds are useful for prostatitis, this has been known for centuries. The effectiveness of pumpkin seed therapy is due to the high zinc content in this product. A man's body must constantly replenish zinc, which protects his health. It is necessary to treat with dried, not fried, seeds. They are peeled and eaten. A course of therapy requires 500 grams of seeds. Treatment of prostatitis continues until the drug is completely consumed. Prostate gland requires annual medical treatment.
The first version of traditional methods calls for daily consumption of 35 seeds. This is done by chewing the product thoroughly before eating in the morning.
In the second option, pumpkin seeds are passed through a meat grinder and 200 g of honey is added to the product. The mass is mixed well, balls are made from it (like nuts), the product is stored in the refrigerator. You can treat prostatitis in this way by using 2 means. The medicine is taken before meals, slowly dissolved and chewed.
Help wormwood

This tool helps to cope with all infections, including pyogenic infections. How to treat a man's prostate with wormwood? Of course, complex therapy shows the best results. For this, the infusion is taken orally and internal washing of the urethral canal is used.
Dry wormwood (100 g) is finely processed and filtered through a sieve. A small part is used raw, and a large part is used to prepare decoction. Decoctions are suitable for microenemas, and are also used for washing (urethral canal). This is how you can treat the prostate with the double effect of wormwood. Bacteria and inflammation are eliminated. Treatment of prostatitis lasts a week. The dry product is taken orally (a pinch of grass is washed down with water). In the evenings, microenemas are performed with washing and flushing (solution) of the urethral canal.
The infusion is prepared as follows:
1 ch. q. dry raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiled water, cool to 40 degrees. For one procedure, 1/4 cup of herbal decoction is required. Douching is done with an ampoule (injected into the anal canal). The liquid should be injected sharply into the canal, this is a guarantee that the broth will be as far away from the intestine as possible. The channel is washed in the same way, there should be two different bulbs for the two zones.
Wormwood has a wide spectrum of activity, therefore, before using a medicinal plant for prostatitis, you should consult a specialist, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient. Nicotine and alcoholic beverages are prohibited. With the deterioration of the general condition, exacerbation of other chronic diseases may occur.
Juice therapy
Prostatitis - how to treat it with juices?
You can use juice therapy at home. For this purpose, a specialized doctor prescribes medicinal manipulations together with vegetable juices. This therapy justified the high efficiency of the treatment. Drink at least 650 ml of juice per day.
Juices that help with prostatitis are:

- beet;
- root;
- cucumber-asparagus.
Products should not be bought, but prepared independently from fresh vegetables. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease (from 2 weeks). A good result of juice therapy is shown by drinking black birch juice (berry). The juice is taken once a day on an empty stomach (1 tablespoon for 10 days). Before taking, add a spoonful of water to 200 ml of water. You should know that the product has side reactions with contraindications. The medicine cannot be taken without the advice of the treating doctor.
Honey and propolis candles
Often, patients treat prostatitis at home with self-made suppositories. Suppositories are made from propolis and honey and are applied locally (introduced into the anal canal). Medicines are stored in the refrigerator.

- How to prepare rectal suppositories? You need a teaspoon of honey, an egg, 3 tablespoons of flour. All products are mixed into a mass from which candles are made. The product is used twice a day for 30 days, with a 45-day break, after which the course is repeated.
- Preparation of propolis suppositories: alcohol (50 ml) is mixed with propolis, brewed in a dark place for 14 days (the tincture is shaken daily). The brewed mass is evaporated in a water bath until it turns yellowish-brown. The resulting composition is mixed with cocoa butter. After forming the candles, the products are stored in the refrigerator. Treatment involves using a suppository before going to bed for a month. With this method, complete recovery occurs after two or three courses of treatment. There are 2-month breaks between courses.
Other folk methods
Another way to make medicine from propolis. To prepare it, you need propolis oil. Preparation: a cup of olive oil is added to propolis in a dose of 30 g and heated in a water bath. The patient should lubricate the perineum with prepared oil.
Another recipe for rectal suppositories
The product is very effective for home treatment. To prepare it, take 80 g of beeswax and mix it with the same amount of vaseline and cocoa butter. The resulting consistency is melted in a water bath and mixed with twenty grams of propolis extract. A suppository is formed from the resulting mass (preferably in molds). After it hardens in the refrigerator, you can start using it. Every day before going to bed, you need to put a candle in the anal canal.
There is another good home remedy for prostatitis. It is made from honey and parsley (juice). Juice and honey are taken in equal amounts, resulting in 1 tbsp. l. twice a day.
Unpleasant symptoms are eliminated by steaming dead bees. Raw materials (100 g) are crushed, 0. 5 liters of boiled water are poured, left for a quarter of an hour and pressed with cheesecloth. Lotions are prepared from this composition, which is done twice a day.
Onion treatment
The product is made from wine and onions. For this, you need dry grape wine and 100 g of chopped onion (fine). The onion is poured with wine (half a liter), the prepared product is placed in a cold (dark) place and aged for a week and a half.
The finished medicine is taken orally 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon. l. a quarter of an hour before meals.
Help the chestnuts
Tinctures of chestnut (horse) bark are used to treat prostate. Powdered chestnut shells (30 g) are poured with a glass of brandy or vodka and aged for a month. The medicine is taken for 3 weeks. The drug is taken in the form of drops of 15 drops twice a day. Then you rest for a week and a half, and the course of treatment with medicinal tincture is repeated.
Stone oil
Inflammation of the prostate gland is eliminated with stone oil. Half a teaspoon of the product is dissolved in 3000 ml of hot water. The medicine should be taken half a teaspoon after the main meal. If the body does not react after 3 days, you can start the full dose by increasing three tablespoons for each use. The dosage is added gradually. The result of the treatment is noticeable after 30 days of use.
Chestnut bark is also often used to treat the prostate gland. 50 g of crushed chestnut bark should be poured with 3 tbsp. l. boiling water and set aside overnight. In the morning, the product should be filtered and placed in a water bath. Finally, you need to buy 1 glass of medicinal decoction. It should be taken orally three times a day before meals (30 drops).
Kalanchoe tincture
Medicinal plant is very effective against various diseases, it is used in folk medicine for various diseases. Kalanchoe tincture helps very well with prostatitis. The leaves of the plant are crushed, placed in a bowl, 50 ml of vodka is poured and the product is kept for 5 days. Take 1 tsp. After the painful symptoms disappear, the drug is used once every 7 days.
Red root
Red root not only treats inflammation of the prostate at home, it is effective in the treatment of pathologies of an infectious nature, it successfully treats sinusitis, influenza, ARVI and other diseases. Traditional medicine uses red root to destroy various types of infections.
Preparation of the medicine: cut the root (30 g), add 1000 ml of boiled water, leave for about an hour. Recommended dose: 100 ml three times a day before meals. The product has a pleasant taste.
Hemlock and celandine

This drug is taken during inflammatory processes, as well as to improve blood circulation, which explains its effective therapeutic effect in the treatment of prostatitis.
Both herbs are taken in the same amount (1 tsp each), filled with half a glass of alcohol, and the medicine is kept in the dark for a week and a half. Then it is filtered. Reception begins with 1 drop of tincture diluted in 30 g of milk or water (the dose increases by one drop per day). After a month, the treatment continues in the opposite order (reducing the dose by one drop per day).
You need the help of a specialist to decide on the choice of treatment. Treatment methods are selected based on the clinical picture.